Sunday, April 15, 2012

Karon Beach

Hello, I%26#39;m hoping to come to Karon at the end of December. However, my girlfriend and I really like the beach and swimming in the sea. However, not being a strong swimmer I%26#39;m now terrified having read all of the dangerous stories and drownings. Please can you advise if the sea on Karon will be safe in December, or should we look elsewhere for a calmer beach?

Karon Beach

Hi Kerouac,

The end of December the water should be flat. I found when swimming at Karon beach around that time of the year a slight pulling sensation close to the shoreline but i was able to go out further without any problem to swim.

If you are not a strong swimmer then best not to go in too deep. You will notice a lot of visitors that time of the year are also not strong swimmers.

They have areas of the water roped off , so maybe stay near the ropes that way if you are uncertain you can always pull yourself back to shore.

Kata beach will also have areas in the water roped off.

Take care %26amp; i hope you both have a fabulous holiday. Never know we might cross paths one day or night.

Cheers. CJ

Karon Beach

The sea around Phuket will have changed completely by December. It is already changing now, I went for a swim yesterdy for the first time in about 3 months. Do not be worried, it will be very flat and calm by the time you get here.

The sea will have changed completely by the time that you arrive in Phuket. It is already changing now, I went for a swim yesterday for the first time in 3 months.

You do not need to be scared. Always cautious of course, but do not worry!

Just returned from karon yesterday and we had a few swims in the ocean. It is lovely and clean and as long as you don%26#39;t go out that far you will be OK. Remember to swim near others and take not of the surf flags indicating sea conditions.

We only swam close to the beach and were OK

We were there early january 09 very small fun waves.Lots of kids problem you will love the water there


We were there early last December and it was very calm. We had a great time at te beach, it%26#39;s really a very nice and relaxing beach. You%26#39;ll love it, don%26#39;t be afraid!

The sea will be dead flat in December. I rate Karon Beach one of the best beaches I have been to, and I live on the Gold Coast Australia. Have a great time.

Thanks so much to everyone for putting my mind at rest. Karon sounds a great beach (so long as you go in season). As I said, I%26#39;ll certainly be careful as I%26#39;m not a great swimmer. Can anyone say if the sea is gently shelving or does it drop off like a cliff?

Hi Kerouac,

from memory of my swimming at the southern end of Karon Beach it was just like a slight step-nothing like a cliff. You will be fine.

Enjoy. CJ

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