Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Shots for Thailand

Well, I%26#39;ll be there for a month

I%26#39;ll be visiting Bangkok, Ayuttaya, Angthong, Chiang Mai etc.

Perhaps a visit to Laos, too

So, what shots would you recommend, and would malaria pills be recommended?

Last time I was there, got all the shots/malaria precautions..but I was there for a longer period of time



Shots for Thailand

I think the prerequisite would be to have the standard course of Hep A/B injections Timmy.There are 2 ways you can go about this...the rushed course(which you can have 3 injections over 3 weeks)or the more conventional medical multi Twinex course of 1 injection ,another 4 weeks later and a last one 6 months after that..(lasts 8 years).Better immunity is given to the body this way and would definitely suggest you have this one,as you never know where or how you can be infected nowadays!

Shots for Thailand

Make sure your tetanus booster is current.

Because of the ease of transmission, Hep A vaccine might top the list.

Hep B if you plan to get ';friendly'; and it will protect you in a medical emergency.

Most other precautions would depend on your personal health history.


Some good suggestions so far.. I would add that you should have this conversation with either your personal physician/GP or a travel medicine specialist who will have access to your personal health records.. While there are some good things to be ';current'; on such as tetanus-- vaccines and such should be determined jointly between you and your health care provider as each persons carries a different risk profile and health history..

Don%26#39;t wait too long to do to inquire as some vaccines require multiple visits (injections) spread over a defined period of time and/or only become fully effective after a specific number of days has passed since its administration.

Travel Safe,

Thanks guys

I%26#39;m leaving on Monday morning(will be there for a month)

And, I haven%26#39;t got any shots done, yet..but will go tomorrow

However, pretty sure my Hep A/B is alright

So, is there a Hep A/B booster shot?



Depends when you had your last one,as you may not need one.As GOPBI and others have stated check with your doctor and Hep A/B shot needs 3 week s generally to be effective may have left your run a bit late if leaving on Monday!

HepA/HepB - is a series of 3 shots that pretty much covers you for life. (TWINREX)

first shot - 0 day

second shot - 30 day

third shot - 6months

Take first shot - you%26#39;ll have 1/3 of the immunity which is better than none.

Also suggest a tetanus booster which is always good if u havent had one recently.

Got my tetanus, measles, and Typhoid

Plus, he gave me a prescription for anti-malaria pills(doxycycline), and something for travellers diarrhea

Found out that I didnt need Hep A/B..already had them done

So yeah, got all the bases covered



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